Montagnia macrospora
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年10月31日
Montagnia macrospora (Montagne) Necchi, M.L. Vis & A.S. Garcia in Necchi et al. 2019: 587. Figs 3-14.
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),ウミゾウメン亜綱(Subclass Nemaliophycidae),カワモズク目(Order Batrachospermales),カワモズク科(Family Batrachospermaceae),モンターニュア属(Genus Montagnia
* 熊野(2000)「世界の淡水産紅藻」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),ウミゾウメン亜綱(Subclass Nemaliophycidae),カワモズク目(Order Batrachospermales),カワモズク科(Family Batrachospermaceae),カワモズク属(Genus Batrachospermum)*B. macrocarpumとして
Szinete et al. 2020: 196.
  Batrachospermum macrosporum Montagne 1850: 293; Sirodot 1884: 268; Kumano 1982: 289, 291. Fig. 1; 1990: 289-290; 熊野 2000: 171, 174. Pls 89 (b), 90; 2002: 168, 171. Pls 104 (b), 105 Kumano & Necchi 1990: 119-120. Figs 1-25; Sheath et al. 1994: 411. Figs 3-5.
Heterotypic synonyms
  Batrachospermum excelsum Montagne 1850: 291; Kumano 1990: 290; Sheath et al. 1994: 411. Figs 6, 7. (Type locality: in flumine Oyak, French Guiana; Holotype specimen: PC (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France))
    ≡ Batrachospermum macrosporum var. excelsum (Montagne) Sirodot 1884: 268.
  Batrachospermum oxycladum Montagne 1850: 293; Kumano 1990: 290; Sheath et al. 1994: 411. Fig. 15. (Type locality: in medio flumine Comitatus superioris (La Comte), French Guiana; Holotype specimen: PC (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France))
    ≡ Batrachospermum macrosporum var. oxycladum (Montagne) Sirodot 1884: 269.
  Chantransia macrospora H.C. Wood 1873: 216. Pl. 19, Fig. 3; Kato et al. 2009: 569. Figs 1, 2. (Type locality: Aiken, SC, USA; Lectotype specimen: PH (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, USA))
    ≡ Batrachospermum macrosporum (H.C. Wood) Collins 1906: 110. nom. illeg. [非合法名]
    ≡ Pseudochantransia macrospora (H.C. Wood) F. Brand 1910: 118.
    ≡ Audouinella macrospora (H.C. Wood) Sheath & Burkholder 1985: 111. Table 1; 熊野 2000: 50. Pl. 17, Figs 2, 3. Pl. 3 (a). Pl. 18 (b), Figs 3, 4. Pl. 20, Figs 2-3; 2002: 49, 50. Pl. 21, Figs 2, 3. Pl. 22. Pl. 23, Figs 3, 4. Pl. 25, Figs 2, 3; Zhixin 2006: 38. Pl. 15, Figs 2-3.
  Batrachospermum bohneri Schmidle 1899: 2. (Type locality: Cameroon, in the river; collected by the wife of the missionary Bohner)
Type locality: Orapu and Comté rivers, near Cayenne, French Guiana
Holotype specimen: PC (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France)
分類に関するメモ:Kato et al. (2009) は,琉球大学千原池からChantransia macrosporaを報告しました。日本新産種であり,それまで国内での報告がなかったことから移入種であると指摘しています。Necchi & Oliveira (2011) は,C. macrosporaBatrachospermum macrocarpumの異名(シノニム)としました。Necchi et al. (2019) は,B. macrosporumをカワモズク属(Batrachospermum)からMontagnia属に移しました。

Kato et al. (2009) は,沖縄で見つかったC. macrosporaを移入種としましたが,C. macrosporaの配偶体であるB. macrosporum (現 M. macrospora)は,Kumano (1982) が福井県小浜から日本産新産種として報告しています。しかし,熊野(2000, 2002)では,B. macrosporumの分布情報に日本は入っておらず,熊野ら(2007)及び環境省のレッドリスト等にも掲載されていません。Kumano (1982) が報告したB. macrosporumの扱いについて調査中です。

Brand, F. 1910. Über die Süßwasserformen von Chantransia (DC.) Schmitz, einschließlich Pseudochantransia Brand. Hedwigia 49: 107-118.
Collins, F.S. 1906. New species, etc., issued in the Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Rhodora 1908: 104-113.
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Kato, A., Morita, N., Hiratsuka, T. and Suda, S. 2009. Recent introduction of a freshwater red alga Chantransia macrospora (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) to Okinawa, Japan. Aquatic Invasions 4: 567-574.
Kumano, S. 1982. Four taxa of the sections Moniliformia, Hybrida and Setacea of the genus Batrachospermum (Rhodophyta, Nemalionales) from temperate Japan. Japanese Journal of Phycology 30: 289-296.
Kumano, S. 1990. Carpogonia and carposporophytes of Montagne's taxa of Batrachospermum (Rhodophyta) from French Guiana. Cryptogamie, Algologie 11: 281-292.
熊野 茂 2000. 世界の淡水産紅藻.395 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京.
Kumano, S. 2002. Freshwater red algae of the world. 375 pp. Biopress Limited, Bristol.
熊野 茂・新井彰吾・大谷修司・香村真徳・笠井文絵・佐藤裕司・飯間雅文・洲澤 譲・田中次郎・千原光雄・中村 武・長谷井稔・比嘉 敦・吉崎 誠・吉田忠生・渡邉 信 2007. 環境省「絶滅のおそれのある種のリスト」(RL)2007年度版(植物II・藻類・淡水産紅藻)について.藻類 55: 207-217.
Kumano, S. and Necchi, O. Jr. 1990. Batrachospormum macrosporum Montagne from South America. Japanese Journal of Phycology 38: 119-123.
Montagne, C. 1850. Cryptogamia guyanensis, seu plantarum cellularium in Guyana gallica annis 1835-1849 a Cl. Leprieur collectarum enumeratio universalis. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Troisième série 14: 283-309.
Necchi, O., Jr, Garcia Fo, A.S., Paiano, M.O. and Vis, M.L. 2019. Revision of Batrachospermum section Macrospora (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) with the establishment of the new genus Montagnia. Phycologia 58: 582-591.
Necchi, O., Jr. and Oliveira, M.C. 2011. Phylogenetic affinities of "Chantransia" stages in members of the Batrachospermales and Thoreales (Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology 47: 680-686.
Schmidle, W. 1899. Algologische Notizen. VIII. Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift für Systematik, Floristik, Pflanzengeographie 5: 2-4.
Sheath, R.G. and Burkholder, J.M. 1985. Characteristics of softwater streams in Rhode Island. II. Composition and seasonal dynamics of macroalgal communities. Hydrobiologia 128: 109-118.
Sheath, R.G., Vis, M.L. and Cole, K.M. 1994. Distribution and systematics of Batrachospermum (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) in North America. 5. Section Aristata. Phycologia 33: 404-414.
Sirodot, S. 1884. Les Batrachospermes. 299 pp. G. Masson, éditeur Libraire de l'Académie de Médicine, Paris.
Szinte, A.L., Taylor, J.C., Abosede, A.T. and Vis, M.L. 2020. Current status of freshwater red algal diversity (Rhodophyta) of the African continent including description of new taxa (Batrachospermales). Phycologia 59: 187-199.
Wood, H.C. 1873. A contribution to the history of the fresh-water algae of North America. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 19: 1-262.
Zhixin, S. 2006. Flora algarum sinicarum aquae dulcis. Tomus XIII. Rhodophyta Phaeophyta. 208 pp. Science Press, Beijing.
日本淡水産紅藻リスト(仮)紅藻植物門真正紅藻亜門真正紅藻綱ウミゾウメン亜綱カワモズク目カワモズク科モンターニュア属Montagnia macrospora