コバモク Sargassum polycystum
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年11月7日
Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh 1824: 304.
黄藻植物(オクロ植物)門(Phylum Ochrophyta),褐藻綱(Class Phaeophyceae),ヒバマタ亜綱(Subclass Fucophycidae),ヒバマタ目(Order Fucales),ホンダワラ科(Family Sargassaceae),ホンダワラ属(Genus Sargassum),ホンダワラ亜属(Subgenus Sargassum),コバモク節(Section Polycystae
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:褐藻綱(Class Phaeophyceae),ヒバマタ目(Order Fucales),ホンダワラ科(Family Sargassaceae),ホンダワラ属(Genus Sargassum
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:褐藻綱(Class Phaeophyceae),ヒバマタ目(Order Fucales),ホンダワラ科(Family Sargassaceae),ホンダワラ属(Genus Sargassum
山田 1942: 376. Figs 5, 6; Chiang et al. 1992: 36. Figs 1-12; Yoshida 1988: 17. Fig. 14; Ajisaka et al. 1995: 34. Figs 19, 20; 吉田 1998: 400. Pl. 2-31, Fig. D; Mattio et al. 2009: 1222-1223. Fig. 6; 島袋 2013: 168-172. Figs 1-7, 9, 10, 11A; 寺田 2015: 373; 香村・岩永 2018: 635-636.
Heterotypic synonyms
  Sargassum gaudichaudii Montagne 1842: 249. (Syntype localities: Mauritius; Philippine Islands)
    ≡ Carpacanthus gaudichaudii (Montagne) Kützing 1849: 623.
  Sargassum myriocystum J. Agardh 1848: 314. (Syntype localities: Jakarta, Java, Indonesia)
  Sargassum polycystum var. onustum J. Agardh 1848: 311. (Type locality: Mauritius)
  Sargassum elegans Greville 1849: 107-108. Pl. 4 (lower left Figs 1-6). nom. illeg. [非合法名] (Type locality: India)
  Sargassum brevifolium Greville 1849: 108. Pl. 4 (lower right Figs 1-4). (Type locality: India)
  Sargassum pygmaeum Kützing 1849: 611. (Type locality: Java, Indonesia)
  Sargassum ambiguum Sonder 1871: 41-42. (Type locality: Port Denison (Bowen), Queesland, Australia)
  Sargassum opacum J. Agardh 1889: 98. Pl. 28, Figs 13-17. (Type locality: tropical Australia)
  コバモク Sargassum microphyllum auct. non C. Agardh (1820: 33); Yendo 1907: 137. Pl. 16, Fig. 17; 1909: 160; Okamura 1931: 108; 1936: 354; Yamada 1925: 247.
  ナンバンモク Sargassum heterocystum auct. non Montagne (1842: 250); Yendo 1907: 156; 1909: 135; 岡村 1936: 352.
Type locality: Sunda Strait, Indonesia
Type specimen:
Agardh, C.A. 1820. Species algarum. 168 pp. ex officina Berlingiana, Lundae.
Agardh, C.A. 1824. Systema algarum. 312 pp. Literis Berlingianis, Lundae.
Agardh, J.G. 1848. Species genera et ordines algarum. 363 pp. C.W.K. Gleerup, Lundae.
Agardh, J.G. 1889.Species Sargassorum Australiae descriptae et dispositae. Accedunt de singulis partibus Sargassorum, earumque differentiis morphologicis in diversis speciebus observationes nonnullae; nec non dispositionis specierum omnium generis, his differentiis fundatae, periculum. Öfversigt af Konglige Vetenskaps-Adademiens Förhandlingar, Stockholm, series 4 23: 1-133.
Ajisaka, T., Noro, T. and Yoshida, T. 1995. Zygocarpic Sargassum species (subgenus Sargassum) from Japan. In: Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds. (Abbott, I.A. Eds) Vol.5, pp. 11-44. California Sea Grant College System, La Jolla, California.
Chiang, Y.-M., Yoshida, T., Ajisaka, T., Trono, G., Jr, Tseng, C.K. and Lu Baoren 1992. Distribution and variation in Sargassum polycystum C.A. Agardh (Fucales, Phaeophyta). In: Taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds with reference to some Pacific and Western Atlantic species. (Abbott, I.A. Eds) Vol.3, pp. 35-42. California Sea Grant College, La Jolla, California.
Greville, R.K. 1849. Algae orientales:- Descriptions of new species belonging to the genus Sargassum. Annals and Magazine of Natural History Ser. 2, 3: 106-109, 216-219, 254-257, 503-506.
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 7 November 2021.
香村眞徳・岩永洋志登 2018. コバモク.In: 改訂・沖縄県の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物 第3版(菌類編・植物編)-レッドデータおきなわ-.pp. 635-636. 沖縄県環境部自然保護課,沖縄.
Kützing, F.T. 1849. Species algarum. 922 pp. F.A. Brockhaus, Lipsiae.
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Okamura, K. 1931. On the marine algae from Kôtôsho (Botel Tobago). Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 2: 95-122.
岡村金太郎 1936. 日本海藻誌.964 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京.
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