キクヒオドシ Amansia rhodantha
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年5月5日
Amansia rhodantha (Harvey) J.Agardh 1841: 26.
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),マサゴシバリ亜綱(Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ヒオドシグサ連(Tribe Amansieae),ヒオドシグサ属(Genus Amansia
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),真正紅藻亜綱(Subclass Florideophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ヒオドシグサ属(Genus Melanamansia)*M. glomerataとして
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ヒオドシグサ属(Genus Amansia
Masuda & Abe 2002: 113-117. Figs 11-20; N'Yeurt 2002: 233, 236. Figs 4-16.
  Delesseria rhodantha Harvey 1834: 151-152. Pl. 126.
Homotypic synonym
  Rytiphlaea rhodantha (Harvey) Decaisne 1842: 358.
Heterotypic synonym
  Amansia paloloensis South & Skeleton 1999: 245-250. Figs 2-14. (Type locality: Palolo Deep Naturual Marine Reserve, Apia, Samoa, South Pacific. Holotype specimen: SUVA 1565 (University of the South Pacific, Fiji))
Misapplied names
  Amansia glomerata auct. non C.Agardh (1822: 194): 岡村 1901: 71. Pl. 25; 1936: 882. Fig. 411.
  Melanamansia glomerata auct. non (C.Agardh) R.E.Norris (1995: 65); 吉田 1998: 1048, 1050.
Type locality: Cap Malheureux, Mauritius
Type specimen: TCD (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
分類に関するメモ:キクヒオドシはAmansia glomerata又はMelanamansia glomerataに充てられてきましたが,Masuda & Abe (2002) とN'Yeurt (2002)は,日本産の"A. glomerata"をA. rhodanthaとしました。
Agardh, C.A. 1822. Species algarum. pp. 169-398. ex officina Berlingiana, Lundae.
Agardh, J.G. 1841. In historiam algarum symbolae. Linnaea 15: 1-50, 443-457.
Decaisne, J. 1842. Essais sur une classification des algues et des polypiers calcifères de Lamouroux. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Seconde Série 17: 297-380.
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 5 May 2021.
Harvey, W.H. 1834. Notice of a collection of algae, communicated to Dr. Hooker by the late Mrs. Charles Telfair, from "Cap Malheureux", in the Mauritius; with descriptions of some new and little known species. Journal of Botany 1: 147-157.
Masuda, M. and Abe, T. 2002. Two similar red algal species, Melanamansia glomerata and Amansia rhodantha (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales), from the north-western Pacific Océan. Cryptogamie Algologie 23: 107-121.
Norris, R.E. 1995. Melanamansia glomerata, comb. nov., and Amansia rhodantha, two hitherto confused species of Indo-Pacific Rhodophyceae. Taxon 44: 65-68.
N'Yeurt, A.D.R. 2002. A revision of Amansia glomerata C. Agardh, Amansia rhodantha (Harvey) J. Agardh and Melamansia glomerata (C. Agardh) R.E. Norris (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae). Botanica Marina 45: 231-242.
岡村金太郎 1901. 日本海藻圖譜 第1巻 第5冊.pp. 57-74 (English), 79-101 (Japanese). 敬業社,東京.
岡村金太郎 1936. 日本海藻誌.964 pp. 内田老鶴圃, 東京.
South, G.R. and Skelton, P.A. 1999. Amansia paloloensis sp. nov. (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Samoa, South Pacific. Phycologia 38: 245-250.
吉田忠生 1998. 新日本海藻誌.1222 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京.
吉田忠生・鈴木雅大・吉永一男 2015. 日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版).藻類 63: 129-189.