ニセキヌイトグサ Antithamnion antillanum |
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年2月7日 |
ニセキヌイトグサ(偽絹糸草) |
Antithamnion antillanum Børgesen 1917: 226. Figs 213-216. nom. cons. |
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),マサゴシバリ亜綱(Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),イギス科(Family Ceramiaceae),フタツガサネ連(Tribe Antithamnieae),フタツガサネ属(Genus Antithamnion) |
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),真正紅藻亜綱(Subclass Florideophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),イギス科(Family Ceramiaceae),フタツガサネ属(Genus Antithamnion) |
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),イギス科(Family Ceramiaceae),フタツガサネ属(Genus Antithamnion) |
掲載情報 |
Itono 1977: 69, 189. Figs 33C-E; 吉田 1998: 873. |
Homotypic synonym |
Antithamnion lherminieri var. antillanum (Børgesen) Nasr 1941: 68. |
Heterotypic synonym |
Callithamnion lherminieri P. Crouan & H. Crouan in Mazé 1878: 144. nom. inval. (Type locality: Anse de la Petite-Fontaine, Vieux-fort, Guadeloupe, West Indies. Type specimen: PC (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle)) |
≡ Antithamnion lherminieri Nasr 1941: 66. Figs 9, 10. nom. rejic.; Itono 1969: 35. Figs 4A-C. |
Antithamnion palmyrense E.Y. Dawson 1959: 44. Fig. 21E. (Type locality: Palmyra Atoll, Line Islands. Holotype specimen: UC (University of California, Berkeley)) |
Type locality: In the Harbour near Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, Virgin Islands |
Lectotype specimen: C slide no. 56, herb. Børgesen (University of Copenhagen) |
参考文献 |
Børgesen, F. 1917. The marine algae of the Danish West Indies. Part 3. Rhodophyceae (3). Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 3: 145-240. |
Dawson, E.Y. 1959. Changes in Palmyra Atoll and its vegetation through the activities of man, 1913-1958. Pacific Naturalist 1: 3-51. |
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. http://www.algaebase.org; searched on 7 Feburary 2021. |
Mazé, H. and Schramm, A. 1878. Essai de classification des algues de la Guadeloupe 2e Édition. 283 pp. Imprimerie du Gouvernment, Basse-Terre. |
吉田忠生 1998. 新日本海藻誌.1222 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京. |
吉田忠生・鈴木雅大・吉永一男 2015. 日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版).藻類 63: 129-189. |
>日本産海藻リスト >紅藻植物門 >真正紅藻亜門 >真正紅藻綱 >マサゴシバリ亜綱 >イギス目 >イギス科 >フタツガサネ連 >フタツガサネ属 >ニセキヌイトグサ |
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