ムラサキカバノリ Gracilaria srilankia
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年1月11日
Gracilaria srilankia (C.F. Chang & B.M. Xia) Withell, A. Millar & Kraft 1994: 310.
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),マサゴシバリ亜綱(Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae),オゴノリ目(Order Gracilariales),オゴノリ科(Family Gracilariaceae),オゴノリ亜科(Subfamily Gracilarioideae),オゴノリ連(Tribe Gracilarieae),オゴノリ属(Genus Gracilaria
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),真正紅藻亜綱(Subclass Florideophycidae),オゴノリ目(Order Gracilariales),オゴノリ科(Family Gracilariaceae),オゴノリ属(Genus Gracilaria
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),オゴノリ目(Order Gracilariales),オゴノリ科(Family Gracilariaceae),オゴノリ属(Genus Gracilaria
吉田・山本 1998: 823.
  Gracilaria spinulosa f. srilankia C.F. Chang & B.M. Xia 1976: 149, 157.
Heterotypic synonym
  Gracilaria purpurascens J. Agardh 1885: 63. nom. illeg. [非合法名]; Yamada 1938: 125. Pl. 25, Fig. 1; Ohmi 1958: 30. Fig. 14. Pls 6C, 6D; Yamamoto 1978: 128. Pl. 23. Pl. 24, Figs 1-3. Pl. 45, Fig. 6. (Type locality: Sri Lanka. Type specimen: )
  Gracilaria denticulata auct. non (Kützing) Weber Bosse (1928: 432. Fig. 175); Okamura 1931: 113.
Type locality: Sri Lanka
Type specimen:
Agardh, J.G. 1885. Till algernes systematik. Nya bidrag. (Fjerde afdelningen.). Lunds Universitets Årskrift, Afdelningen for Mathematik och Naturvetenskap 21: 1-117.
Chang, C.F. and Xia, B.M. 1976. Studies on Chinese species of Gracilaria. Studia Marina Sinica 11: 91-166.
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 11 January 2021.
Ohmi, H. 1958. The species of Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis from Japan and adjacent waters. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University 6: 1-66.
Okamura, K. 1931. On the marine algae from Kôtôsho (Botel Tobago). Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 2: 95-122.
Weber-van Bosse, A. 1928. Liste des algues du Siboga, IV. Rhodophyceae. Troisème partie. Gigartinales et Rhodymeniales et tableau de la distribution des Chlorophycées, Phaeophycées et Rhodophycées de l'Archipel Malaisien. pp. 393-533. E.J. Brill, Leiden.
Withell, A.F., Millar, A.J.K. and Kraft, G.T. 1994. Taxonomic studies of the genus Gracilaria (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 7: 281-352.
Yamada, Y. 1938. Notes on some Japanese algae, VIII. Scientific Papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University 2: 119-130.
Yamamoto, H. 1978. Systematic and anatomical study of the genus Gracilaria in Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University 25: 97-152.
吉田忠生・鈴木雅大・吉永一男 2015. 日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版).藻類 63: 129-189.
吉田忠生・山本弘敏 1998. 3. 13 おごのり目 Gracilariales. In: 吉田忠生 著. 新日本海藻誌.pp. 810-826. 内田老鶴圃,東京.