ナガミグサ Murrayella periclados
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年6月6日
Murrayella periclados (C. Agardh) F. Schmitz 1893: 227.
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),マサゴシバリ亜綱(Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ロフォタリア連(Tribe Lophothalieae),ナガミグサ属(Genus Murrayella
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),真正紅藻亜綱(Subclass Florideophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ナガミグサ属(Genus Murrayella
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),ナガミグサ属(Genus Murrayella
時田 1941: 51; Aponte & Ballantine 1987: 31, 33, 35. Figs 1-21; 吉田 1998: 1051-1052.
  Hutchinsia periclados C. Agardh 1828: 101.
Heterotypic synonym
  Bostrychia tuomeyi Harvey 1853: 58. Pl. 14E, Figs 1-6. (Type locality: )
  Murrayella squarrosa F. Schmitz 1893: 228; Yamada 1936: 140. (Type locality: )
Type locality: St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Type specimen: LD herb. Agardh(Lund University)
Agardh, C.A. 1828. Species algarum. 189 pp. sumptibus Ernesti Mauriti, Gryphiae.
Aponte, N.E. and Ballantine, D.L. 1987. The life history and development of Murrayella periclados (C. Agardh) Schmitz (Rhodophyta, Rhodomelaceae) in culture. Cryptogamie, Algologie 8: 29-39.
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 6 June 2021.
Harvey, W.H. 1853. Nereis boreali-americana; or, contributions towards a history of the marine algae of the atlantic and pacific coasts of North America. Part II. Rhodospermeae. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 5: 1-258.
Schmitz, F. 1893. Die Gattung Lophothalia J. Ag. Berichte der deutsche botanischen Gesellschaft 11: 212-232.
時田 郇 1941. 二三海藻に關する知見(2).植物及動物 9: 49-56.
Yamada, Y. 1936. Notes on some Japanese algae VII. Scientific Papers of the Institute of Algological Research, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University 1: 135-140.
吉田忠生 1998. 新日本海藻誌.1222 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京.
吉田忠生・鈴木雅大・吉永一男 2015. 日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版).藻類 63: 129-189.