モロイトグサ Polysiphonia morrowii |
作成者:鈴木雅大 作成日:2021年5月16日 |
モロイトグサ(もろ糸草) |
Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey 1857: 331. |
紅藻植物門(Phylum Rhodophyta),真正紅藻亜門(Subphylum Eurhodophytina),真正紅藻綱(Class Florideophyceae),マサゴシバリ亜綱(Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),イトグサ連(Tribe Polysiphonieae),イトグサ属(Genus Polysiphonia) |
*1. 吉田(1998)「新日本海藻誌」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),真正紅藻亜綱(Subclass Florideophycidae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),イトグサ属(Genus Polysiphonia) |
*2. 吉田ら(2015)「日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版)」における分類体系:紅藻綱(Class Rhodophyceae),イギス目(Order Ceramiales),フジマツモ科(Family Rhodomelaceae),イトグサ属(Genus Polysiphonia) |
掲載情報 |
岡村 1914: 104. Pl. 127, Figs 1-8; 1936: 827. Fig. 390; 稲垣 1933: 59; Segi 1951: 244. Fig. 28. Pl. 11, Fig. 2; Noda 1967: 48; 1987: 453-455. Fig. 341, no. 4, 5. Fig. 352, no. 3; 工藤・増田 1981: 265. Figs 1-14; 1992: 14, 15, 17, 19, 21. Figs 1-7; Lee & Lee 1991: 115-118. Figs 1-6; 工藤 1993: 342, 343. Fig. 170; Kim et al. 1994: 186, 187, 189, 190. Figs 1-4; 2004: 390, 391. Figs 1-3; Masuda et al. 1995: 199. Fig. 29; 吉田 1998: 1069. Pl. 3-112, Fig. J; Curiel et al. 2002: 66, 68, 69. Figs 1-10; Nam & Kang 2012: 51, 52, 54. Figs 21-23; D'Archino et al. 2013: 43. Fig. 2; Raffo et al. 2014: 2-3. Figs 1-6; Piñeiro-Corbeira et al. 2020: 61, 62. Fig. 6. |
Homotypic synonym |
Orcasia morrowii (Harvey) Kylin 1941: 35. |
Misapplied name |
ムツイトグサ Polysiphonia senticulosa auct. non Harvey (1862: 169): Yendo 1914: 276; 稲垣 1933: 60. Fig. 25; 岡村 1936: 825; Segi 1951: 247. Figs 29, 30. Pl. 12. |
Type locality: 北海道 函館 |
Lectotype specimen: TCD (Trinity College, Dublin) |
参考文献 |
Curiel, D., Bellemo, G., La Rocca, B., Scattolin, M. and Marzocchi, M. 2002. First report of Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Botanica Marina 45: 66-70. |
D'Archino, R., Neill, K.F. and Nelson, W.A. 2013. Recognition and distribution of Polysiphonia morrowii (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in New Zealand. Botanica Marina 56: 41-47. |
Guiry, M.D. and Guiry, G.M. 2021. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.algaebase.org; searched on 16 May 2021. |
Harvey, W.H. 1857. Algae. In: Account of the Botanical specimens. (Gray, A., ed) Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy. Volume II - with illustrations. (Anon. Eds), pp. 331-332. Senate of the Thirty-third Congress, Second Session, Executive Document. House of Representatives, Washington. |
Harvey, W.H. 1862. Notice of a collection of algae made on the northwest coast of North America, chiefly at Vancouver Island, by David Lyall, Esq., M.D., R.N., in the years 1859-1861. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 6: 157-177. |
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Kim, M.S., Lee, I.K. and Boo, S.M. 1994. Morphological studies of the red alga Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey on the Korean Coast. Korean Journal of Phycology 9: 185-192. |
Kim, M.-S., Yang, E.C., Mansilla, A. and Boo, S.M. 2004. Recent introduction of Polysiphonia morrowii (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) to Punta Arenas, Chile. Botanica Marina 47: 389-394. |
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工藤利彦・増田道夫 1981. 紅藻モロイトグサの分類学的研究.藻類 29: 263-272. |
Kudo, T. and Masuda, M. 1992. Taxonomic features of Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta). Korean Journal of Phycology 7: 13-26. |
Kylin, H. 1941. Californische Rhodophyceen. Acta Universitatis Lundensis 37: 1-71. |
Lee, W.J. and Lee, I.K. 1991. Mixed phases reproduction of Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in culture. Japanese Journal of Phycology 39: 115-121. |
Masuda, M., Kudo, T., Kawaguchi, S. and Guiry, M.D. 1995. Lectotypification of some marine red algae described by W. H. Harvey from Japan. Phycological Research 43: 191-202. |
Nam, K.W. and Kang, P.J. 2012. Algal flora of Korea. Volume 4, Number 4. Rhodophyta: Ceramiales: Rhodomelaceae: 18 genera including Herposiphonia. 178 pp. National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon. |
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Piñeiro-Corbeira, C., Maggs, C.A., Rindi, F., Bunker, F., Baldock, L. and Díaz-Tapia, P. 2020. Molecular assessment of the tribes Streblocladieae and Polysiphonieae (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in the British Isles reveals new records and species that require taxonomic revision. Cryptogamie Algologie 41: 55-72. |
Raffo, M.P., Geoffroy, A., Destombe, C. and Schwindt, E. 2014. First record of the invasive red alga Polysiphonia morrowii Harvey (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) on the Pategonian shores of the Southwestern Atlantic. Botanica Marina 57: 21-26. |
Segi, T. 1951. Systematic study of the genus Polysiphonia from Japan and its vicinity. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie 1: 167-272. |
Yendo, K. 1914. Notes on algae new to Japan. II. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 28: 263-281. |
吉田忠生 1998 新日本海藻誌.1222 pp. 内田老鶴圃,東京. |
吉田忠生・鈴木雅大・吉永一男 2015. 日本産海藻目録(2015年改訂版).藻類 63: 129-189. |
>日本産海藻リスト >紅藻植物門 >真正紅藻亜門 >真正紅藻綱 >マサゴシバリ亜綱 >イギス目 >フジマツモ科 >イトグサ連 >イトグサ属 >モロイトグサ |
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